Sash window repair/restoration & external painting – Lewes
The client had commissioned sash window restoration and external decoration of their property on St Anne’s Crescent in Lewes. A local neighbour with windows in a similar condition had just had all three bay windows replaced costing in excess of £35k and our client was keen to avoid this kind of spend if at all possible. We were asked to restore the windows if they were salvageable and carry out external decoration and routine maintenance to the other masonry, timber and guttering.
Works carried out:
Once works began, investigation revealed that previous window repairs had not been flashed correctly and as a result there was a degree of rotten timber in the sashes and sills in the upper and lower bays and extensive rot throughout the external timbers of the middle bay sashes and sills. All rotten timber was cut from the bays and they were rebuilt using hardwoods and Douglas fir. These are timbers which are highly resistant to rot and weather damage. Masonry and gutterings were repaired where necessary and the external face of the building was decorated and returned to a beautiful finish in heritage colours.